Time: Thursday | May 25, 2023
10:00 – 11:30 AM
Once considered a conservative industry with innovation, but with great upheaval in recent years, technology has revolutionized the hospitality industry. It provides hoteliers with the tools to succeed: from a comprehensive transportation management system and an online booking system to an internal employee connection application and customer relationship management software … So, applying the right technology helps hotels increase operational efficiency, drive revenue and improve guest satisfaction.
Realizing the benefits of technology however, hoteliers are struggling to implement their work and understand how to analyze the effectiveness of new systems and tools. As a result, some hotels may need more analytical techniques while seeking and migrating new solutions. At the same time, other hotels may have “headaches” with data conversion issues or data privacy and security.
Accompanying hoteliers to overcome this superconsciousness, the CiHMS’s webinar in May with the theme “HOW TECHNOLOGY MAXIMIZE HOTEL PROFITS” will focus on the latest technology updates in the industry, discussing best practices for implementing and integrating technology into hotel operations. We will also explore successful case studies of hoteliers that have used technology to increase their profits. With a wealth of experience, CiHMS believes the speakers will provide valuable insights and advice to help hoteliers optimize their profits through technology.
The conference will be broadcast online at 10:00 am on May 25, 2023. Take advantage of this valuable opportunity to learn from the experts and improve your hotel’s profitability. Sign up now to keep your spot!